My little guy recently celebrated his birthday. Since he’s a summer baby, we’ve typically celebrated with pool parties. This year, I wanted to take it up a notch, so we planned some pirate-themed pool games. I hired an enthusiastic teenager to lead them in the games so I’d be free to take some pictures (and take A/C breaks).
Target Practice
First up was a game we called target practice. I found it here on Amazon. Any other form of pool ring toss would work as well. The set only came with several yellow foam balls (which my kids lost under the couch the first week it arrived), so I bought several packages of ping pong balls and a little basket to store them in at Dollar Tree. I was finishing making the salad while the kids were playing this one, so I didn’t get any photos.
Walk the Plank
This is self-explanatory. The kids each took turns creatively “walking the plank”, aka, jumping into the pool.
Cannonball Toss
Next up was the cannonball toss. This is the classic egg toss picnic game, but with water balloons as the ‘cannonballs’. To play, the participants select a partner and start standing close to one another and toss and catch the ball, stepping farther apart with each successful catch. The leftover water balloons were used for a ‘cannonball fight’.
For the joust, the boys sat on larger pool noodles while trying to knock each other off with smaller pool noodles. The larger pool noodles were a bit too steady and hard to knock each other off of, so I’d recommend trying the smaller pool noodles to both sit on and joust with.
Bury Your Treasure
For this next game, we blew up a bag of balloons with regular air (with a hand pump I found at the Dollar Tree). The object of the game was to see who could hold down the most balloons under their body under the water. For an added challenge, try the game without hands!
Pirate Ship
And last, but certainly not least, the birthday boy got to take a ride in this adorable inflatable pirate ship, which I had gotten on sale at for $15 and change. It was a total surprise to the birthday boy, and he loved it!
Pirate’s Booty
The boys came inside and those who brought them wore pirate costumes, and they had pizza and ice cream. We always do ice cream for our pool parties. Since we’re home and therefore have access to the freezer (and it’s hot), why have regular cake?!
The guests took home water squirters (Dollar Tree) and Pirate’s Booty. I’m here with my dad wearing this fun pirate costume t-shirt that I found on Etsy.
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