The day was rainy, like, all day non-stop rainy. But, being in South Florida, we both knew the weather could change at any moment, so we optimistically met at Dania Beach for portraits as we had planned, and were blessed with a rain-free hour, and the portraits are beautiful.
We then headed South for the ceremony at the beach. Unfortunately, by the time all of the guests had assembled (decked out in white and blue as the invitation stated), it had started to rain again, so we took things indoors to the reception venue. This bride took it all in stride, and was genuinely happy to be marrying her groom, regardless of the conditions.
At the reception, they invited me on their journey around the room to greet their guests, and I was able to capture the love that radiated from this couple to all who celebrated with them. Then there was some dancing, some cake, and more hugging goodbye.
Congrats, Jessica and Kelvin! I wish you the best, and hope to be the lucky photographer to capture your milestones as you grow old together!